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My Ramblings

I've moved from Xanga, I love Xanga and it was my first Blog, but I think Blogger looks more proffesional and what not. This is the Site I will now post my Ramblings. Right now i'm to tired to go into any. Maybe later. Although they're not truly Ramblings, they're my opinons on current world events, Religion, Paranormal, and Whatever else comes to mind. That is all

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Converation between me and Boiar

God of Chocobos: well allow me to put your mind on something else though. The Terrorist have released a banner for a new video they're putting out called "Invitation to Islam" and basicly they're probably going to be "Inviting us to Islam" which in Jihad language is "Convert or we have premission to kill you" and to me this sounds like revelations coming true, which bothers me alittle...
Princess Orraya: O_O
Princess Orraya: what part of revelations was this?
Princess Orraya: the only thing that comes to mind is taking th emark
God of Chocobos: yeah that's what i'm thinking....
God of Chocobos: because really if we refuse they have 3 ways to deal with us
Princess Orraya: nuke us?
Princess Orraya: bomb us?
Princess Orraya: and?
God of Chocobos: They kill us. they forcibly convert us. Or we have to pay a tax for not converting, like back in the Caliphet.
Princess Orraya: well
Princess Orraya: that'd suck.
God of Chocobos: YES
Princess Orraya: is this the green dragon of islam?
God of Chocobos: it's black i beleve actually
God of Chocobos: that's what they refer to it as.
Princess Orraya: i swear it was green
Princess Orraya: we saw that site last year
God of Chocobos: Prophets refer to black dragons rising up, and the terrorst refer to themseleves as the black dragon o'Islam...
Princess Orraya: oh
God of Chocobos: *shrugs* aswell as a War in Messopotamia, and if you were wondering, what we call Al'quda in Iraq, they call themselves AlQuida in Messopotamia.
God of Chocobos: Iraq essentially
Princess Orraya: yeah
Princess Orraya: ok
Princess Orraya: the kingdom of the antichrist
Princess Orraya: mouth of a lion (hong kong)
Princess Orraya: feet of a bear (russia)
Princess Orraya: the dragon gives him his power/seat
God of Chocobos: Dragon sounds like China, or Japan.
Princess Orraya: it's china
God of Chocobos: ooor...the terrorists. XD
God of Chocobos: but that's a black dragon
Princess Orraya: red dragon
God of Chocobos: *shrugs* or it could be prince charles like some crazies believe.
Princess Orraya: .....
God of Chocobos: since his emblem has all that stuff on it. and he's already declared he wants to be king of england
God of Chocobos: by england
God of Chocobos: i mean europe
God of Chocobos: but my is teh dead at the moment
Princess Orraya: well there's still putin
Princess Orraya: the 3 diseases too
God of Chocobos: Irans president too...China and Russia side with Iran on this for one reason or another.
God of Chocobos: and without their agreement the U.N. peace people can't do anything
Princess Orraya: damnnnn
God of Chocobos: and Pres. Amadinajad...aka what's his face? already wants to bring about the muslim idea of the Apocolypse by bringing back the Fourth...maybe it was the Fifth Imam
Princess Orraya: the iranian prez?
Princess Orraya: he looks like lincoln
God of Chocobos: haha
God of Chocobos: yeah, but that's what he wants to do
Princess Orraya: ok
Princess Orraya: the antichrist (putin) appears to be kind
Princess Orraya: bin ladin is only the destroyer
God of Chocobos: and now for a break of serious, with something funny, "Aliens call off mission to communicate with Humans through a Urine-Soaked Homeless man"
God of Chocobos: now back to the serious
Princess Orraya: XD
Princess Orraya: look out for asteroid-caused tidal wave in 07

Auto response from God of Chocobos: The Dark elves are like British Posh, what've done drugs

God of Chocobos: says?
Princess Orraya:
God of Chocobos: hm
God of Chocobos: Wormwood
Princess Orraya: ?
Princess Orraya: ohh!
Princess Orraya: right
God of Chocobos: that's the name of the astroid in revelations
Princess Orraya: you got me thinking harry potter for a sec
God of Chocobos: haha
God of Chocobos: I wonder if the guy that wrote revelations actually knew this kinda thing...because one theory is that he just was writing about the current government of the time (which had imprisend him on the island he wrote revelations from) in code.


At 7:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To get her mind off of what, exactly?
Interesting. I have my own theories, which I'm polishing before publishing. You will hear of them soon enough.

At 10:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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